Wednesday, May 13, 2009


"Higher Love" 4"x4" painting.
Good news! Christophe will be coming home from the hospital today. They found out that he has a cyst that has been pressing on his nerve causing all of the terrible pain. The bad news is that he will need to go back to the hospital on Monday for surgery -- the day before my birthday. :( But this is a small price to pay for his recovery.

Also, they have a computer lab on his hospital wing, and he was able to read all of your comments and well-wishes. These meant a LOT to him considering that he had to spend so much time alone in the hospital as our families are far away. Thank you!!! Have a beautiful day.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Finished 4some Tiny Portrait

Commissioned Tiny Portrait 5.5x7 inches.

I finished the teeny tiny cut paper flowers, and I'm very happy with the result! Once again, I had a ball creating the details on these tiny outfits. The polka dots were my favorite. I thought that it would be difficult doing a foursome, but these ladies had such an air of happiness and friendship about them, that they resonated together very easily. My next tiny portrait will be of my little baby Nicky. :)

Here is a close-up of the flowers.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Work in Progress

The sun is shining today at last, and I am so enjoying the spring air! Thought I would share my current work in progress. It's a tiny portrait grouping of four friends. I'm excited to start the flowers (which will be made of cut patterned paper). Hope you are having a sunny day, too, where you are.