"Counting my Blessings" original 24x24 inch painting on 1 and 3/4 inch cradled wood panel. Original for sale here.
This is my new, more abstract piece, and it expresses a sentiment close to my heart: gratitude (our FAF theme next month!). Sometimes we can get bogged down in the little things that don't work out during the day and we forget to be grateful for everything that is already going just right. I think of those right things as bright colors melded into a quilt that keeps us warm and supported behind the scenes. In this piece, I've literally counted... up to the infinity symbol. The different forms of numbers add some variety and keep the eye moving around the painting.
I'm grateful for many things, but today I want to give a special thank you to Dana over at her blog Leilaloo for posting my interview in her ongoing series about balance and motherhood. I love Dana's artwork, and this series is a great topic because, let's face it - it's not easy to balance any kind of career (let alone a creative one) with being a mom.
And another BIG thank you to everyone who has already purchased one of my calendars. They are almost sold out, and I am so grateful to everyone who chose to spend 2011 with me. :) I have to mention the calendars here because my husband, Christophe, is now making fun of all of my posts about them.
I've also just posted the original Autumn in New York painting on my etsy site. It's now for sale here.
Wishing you and your family a happy and safe Halloween!!